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A 5" Diameter Float, 45'of #36 Twine and a roll of vinyl tape


Take a turn around the Float slightly off center.

Start the Weave working from small side to the large

 Place a hitch between every piece of tape


The start of the second pass


The best way to pull the running end through the hitch


Work will progress with a right hand spiral in each row.


Net will get smaller as it approaches the apex.


Make several tight loops.  Pass the free end through the loops.


Now start the smaller side.


The Net gets smaller


The top of the Float is now finished.

The Rib-Hitch Net was used in the North Atlantic and Baltic Sea.and is more difficult to weave.  It is commonly seen on smaller Floats but can be done on any size Float.

Divide the Twine into two connected halves


Add a piece of tape for every row of hitches.  This will secure the starting row.  This Float will have seven rows


A completed hitch.

Another completed hitch


A completed hitch


Pulling a loop through will avoid creating twist in the running end


Keep going round and round.


Begin to close and secure the end of the Net


Bottom of Float completed.


The work goes round and round and the work goes well.


While looping the bottom shut add the cord for attaching to a Net.


Time to remove all the Tape

     This Net can be tied while sitting down in a chair which is good.                                         Practice makes perfect.  Even a badly tied Net will teach you how to do better  Start with a small Float and new stiff twine.

      If you drop the Net on the floor it might break, so work on a carpet or padded area

      The key to this method is securing the first row to the Float with the tape and working from the small side to the big side first.

       Weaving a Rib-Hitch Net is not easy.  I spent a long time trying to do this and until I  started using the tape I could not do it.


Top of Float with  Net attachment .


Bottom of Float

Completed Net and some tools which make  it easier

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